02 October 2008

The VP debacle...I mean debate.

Oh my goodness.

I just finished watching the VP debate tonight...and I don't know if I want to throw up or maybe just have a fucking seizure.

Look, its not exactly a mystery that I am a Republican. That being said...I don't exactly know what the hell happened tonight. Really. It was like watching two kids with Down-Syndrome beat the shit out of each other on the playground. I did not want to watch...but I could not turn away.

Ok, lets talk Biden first. He's too easy. Like I said, I'm a Republican...I hated this douche by default. As one of my friends put it, "he looks like some evil character off of Veggie-Tales". Wow.
Ok Joe..there's left-wing..and then there is "whoa homie...you are off the map Tiger Woods" Come on back Joe. I think you have good intentions...you are just a crazy old fuck. I won't even talk about you anymore. Its TOO easy...

And on to Govenor Sarah Palin. First of all, I want to like you. Heck, you are kind of a "cougar" for a VP candidate. But damnit...your voice. AHHHHHHHHHHH. You sound like some yankee high school guidance counselor. It freaks me out. I halfway expect you to tell me I need to "apply myself in class" and "fill out my college applications soon."
There was one point were I just screamed at my TV like a crazy man. Just because you were talking.
Your voice...it hurts my soul.

The ONLY thing that made me survive that television experince was my friend Elle. She kept me laughing via Facebook. Elle, thank you. You saved me from throwing a large object THROUGH my very expensive TV.

People, don't be discouraged...I'm still voting for McCain...but damnit...Sarah, sweetheart...get your shit together...and maybe see a Speech Therapist...or better yet have an exorcism. And please..give me my sould back.

Out here,


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