15 October 2008

November 4th...hurry up already.


I watched the "final debate" tonight between Senator John McCain and ol' what's his name.

Now look. I'm a Republican. I make no apologies about that. And I honestly think there are a lot of wonderful Democrats in the world. Some of them happen to be my dear friends. But honestly guys...is Barack Obama the best you could come up with? Seriously?! Come on now. If HE is the best and brightest your party has to offer, that's like saying he won a gold medal at the Special Olympics...guess what...he's still fucking retarded.

In fact, I think on November 4th...if you have the ability to walk into that voting booth...and honestly press "Senator Barack Obama (D, IL)" for PRESIDENT. I think there should be a midget underneath that booth that punches you directly in the balls. (or for you women...I don't know...bites your toes or something generally awful)

I'm done ranting because I just realized I somehow mentioned retards, midgets, AND Barack Obama in one blog post. That is wild.

Out here,


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