10 October 2008

So its almost Halloween....(evil laugh)

Well, its almost that time of the year. We all get dressed up...get drunk...and make a few bad decisions. Yes folks, Halloween.

And the most important question...."what are you going to be for Halloween?"

Well my friends, I've thought about A LOT of things...

Here's the initial list first:

1. Cole Trickle (From Days of Thunder)
Hey, Its the South and NASCAR just seems to fit. Oh, and its one of the worst movies ever made.

2. United States Air Force "Pilot"
If you are not in the military, you might not understand...but these guy are the biggest bags of douche on the planet. Please, when bullets are flyin' and people are dyin'....give me a NAVAL AVIATOR...not one of these Air Force goons...

3. Ole Miss student
Apparently the seer-sucker suit is back in style in Oxford. Too easy.

4. Tyrone the Crackhead
Chappelle's Show fans...come on now....time to bring Tyrone Biggums BACK

5. My Boss (In the Army)
Normally this would be a no-no...but considering I have LITERALLY done his job in his absence on more than one occasion...even he would laugh.

6. Bill O'Reilly
I would wear a suit and tie....get hammered drunk...and just yell at everyone. And I mean EVERYONE. It could get out of control.

And the winner is....

I got about 50 volunteers (lower ranking individuals..hahaha)...and here's our idea.

We are going as....(drumroll)


Thats right Verizon people....YOU.

I am just going to dress normal. And have out my cell phone. Behind me will be my sidekick "weatherboy", dressed as the Verizon-guy. And with him will be a bunch of randomly dressed people. THe token guy with the hard-hat...maybe a business suit or two....but a LARGE crowd.

And then?....I am just going to walk around the party talking to people.

When they ask "What the fuck is that behind you?!" I get to say. "Oh, thats my network"



1 comment:

Lisa said...

I didn't think you could top Bill O'Reilly, but you did! Going as the Verizon Network is brilliant. My coworker and I laughed our asses off. Thanks for the morning giggles.