24 July 2008

Oh Obama...

Well...politics is a dangerous area for me to even dare comment. I'm an "army-guy"...so forgive me if I usually identify with the Republican party.

Barack Obama just gave his cute little speech in Berlin, and I actually watched the entire thing on FoxNews. I have to hand it to him...John McCain probably agreed with about 85% of the speech he gave. It was pretty neutral. He managed to "blur the lines", as some strange political analyst stated, between himself and Sen. McCain.

I was rather proud. It was almost amazed to see, for the first time in a long, long time, an AMERICAN politician giving a speech to 10,000+ GERMANS...and THEY LOVED IT. Obama actually had me smiling as I consumed my lunch of the "always delicious" Taco Bell....and then it happened...

"At times, we have failed to keep the promise of liberty..." Whoa. Wait. Back up. Screeeeech. Please Senator Fuckstick, how have we done THAT? I just spent 2 YEARS of my life overseas, serving my country, SPREADING DEMOCRACY. We did the right thing in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are GIVING those countries the gift of FREEDOM. Freedom from oppression, tyranny, and genocide (yes, genocide kids...it happened in IRAQ). So, Obama...did the 4,000+ of my brothers who have DIED in combat, fail to keep the promise of liberty?

I want everyone's attention here....

***Obama, if I ever see you in person, I am going to punch you in the dick.***

Quite frankly...Fuck you.


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