11 September 2008


Hey people.

The BAMF does not need to remind you about today. If you don't know what today is...well...time to venture out of your cave mmmk?

I'm not going to post a bunch of 9/11 stuff....I think there is enough of it out there...but I will do one thing for you guys today.

I'll reassure you.

There are still people in this world that want to hurt YOU. Yeah...you. There are plenty of terrorist groups, not just Al Qaeda (like Hamas) that would love to do something worse than the attacks of 9/11/01.

But people...don't lose any sleep over it.

There are plenty of people that stand ready to take the fight to the enemy. Whoever they may be...wherever they may be.

Alot of you guys know what I do in the Army.

But this video (BIG props to Zach for this one) is EXACTLY why Rangers do what they do....

The Ranger Creed.

That creed is not just something we memorize...or just something we say. We live by it.

So today, do me a favor...hug your kids. Go to a movie. Go out to dinner. Do whatever it is you do.

But above all...sleep well America. We're out here.



Jenn said...

Thank you for all that you do for our country and our freedom!

MaryBeth Huber said...

This video is awesome. I have such a respect for what you all do. Today is a day to not only remember all the victims of the tragic events on 9/11, but to also remember the thousands of members of our military who have worked to make sure it doesn't happen again. So to you and all the other BAMFs out there...thanks!